Authenticity is at the heart of every Mexican flavor we create. But just saying that isn’t nearly as compelling as seeing our products appear in a popular Netflix show. Yes, our very own HERDEZ® Avocado Hot Sauce was in three episodes of the latest season of Taco Chronicles. And we are thrilled to see it being used by some of our favorite Mexican chefs.
A Little Humble Brag
Here we are in Chicago
Us flavoring things up in Los Angeles
What it Means for You and Your Menu
In a word, reassurance. Because seeing our hot sauce being used by traditional taquerias around North America, well, that pretty much says it all. Although we must admit these tasty taco shots say a lot too. Mmm.

Want to add more authentic ingredients to your menu? Partner with us and we can help make it a little easier. All MegaMex Foods ingredients are thoughtfully crafted to save you time and labor without sacrificing quality.